
The easiest way to book a course is via our online booking system right here on this page, via the booking provider Ticket Tailor.

Just click on the course you want to book and go from there. We usually ask for full course payment, or a non-refundable deposit if the booking is several months ahead.

All courses are subject to minimum and maximum numbers of participants.

Booking Conditions:

Bookings are confirmed in writing on receipt of your registration booking form and non-refundable deposit, or not less than £100 of the total course fee.

Other course fees payable eight weeks prior to the workshop are non-refundable within 8 weeks prior to the commencement of the course; exceptions to this are if East West College is obliged to cancel the course due to government guidelines in a pandemic or for other force majeur conditions (including the unavoidable cancellation by a tutor).

Please note that we are unable to reimburse travel or accommodation costs. If accommodation is needed for your course, we recommend you to only pay for your hotel booking once minimum numbers for the course are confirmed.

Please aim to arrive punctually on course days. We request that you plan your travel to enable you to complete each day in full, to ensure to finish the course theory and practical provided.

All the workshops on Applied Channel Theory are suitable for acupuncture practitioners, noting that advanced classes are bookable once you have completed a 2-day introductory workshop first.

The Mai Jing pulse course is suitable for acupuncture practitioners and third year acupuncture students.

Three-hour Tutorials on the above are available. Please enquire for dates and times.

East West College is an independent education provider offering continuing professional development in Chinese Medicine for practitioners.

Developing and planning events often takes several months. Whilst we may be able to cater for a last minute booking, it is most helpful to know well in advance how many participants are attending.

To avoid disappointment, please book as early as possible :) Don't leave it till the last minute...

                                                                                       Thank you!

Enquiry Form

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