Mai Jing Pulse Diagnosis

Mai Jing Pulse Diagnosis - Jamie Hamilton

Price £230     in Farnham / 7 - 8 November 2025 (Friday- Sat)

Jamie will also be teaching this course in:

Seattle, USA on 16 - 17 May 2025 at the Seattle Institute of East Asian Medicine (US$450) plus a day's doctoral programme.

Winterthur Switzerland on 6 - 7 September 2025 at Chiway (CHF 495)

Oslo, Norway on 13 - 14 September 2025

This method of pulse diagnosis is easy to learn, clarifies underlying theory and shows hard to diagnose aspects such as the elemental imbalance and Extraordinary vessel imbalances.

Click here for a short video about this course

A longer interview with Jason Robertson on this pulse method can be found here.

The Mai Jing Pulse Diagnosis Method gives a clear picture the 8 Extraordinary Vessels and the elemental imbalance (CF in 5 Element practice). With a unique notation method and a clarification of the position and character of the pulse, we can re-discover the dynamic qualities of the pulse qualities that we already know.

With an enhanced method of pulse diagnosis that weare confident in, we can in turn better understand the meaning of certain important topics in Chinese Medicine theory; this makes for a significant difference to clinical results and enjoyment of practice. The Mai Jing Pulse Diagnosis Method derives from a careful assessment of the techniques found in the classic of the pulse: Mai Jing. It uses methods found in that classic that are easy to use and learn and can make a significant improvement to clinical results and enjoyment of practice.

The course goes through the key methods of this unique diagnostic technique outlined in Jamie's book (see below). N.B. The book is not included in the course price.

Eligibility: Suitable for Acupuncture Practitioners.

Read Jamie's blog on the subject here

Please read the introduction and Phase A before attending the course.    

Learning Outcomes:

- Gaining the skills of the method of clearly palpating the radial artery, with the patient on a couch and the wrist in a vertical position.

- Understanding the Mai Jing Pulse Diagnosis Method as described in three broad steps.

- Understanding how the pulse reading responds to treatment and the relevance of that to the patient’s condition.

- Understanding how to integrate these new methods into our existing understanding and skill set.

If you would like your regional group to host a talk on pulse diagnosis, do get in touch!

The course is particularly suitable for those who are new practitioners and for those who have lost (or never gained) confidence in pulse taking.
"Enjoyable, articulate and inspiring, I would recommend Jamie's 'Mai Jing Pulse Diagnosis' to almost every acupuncturist I know". Jonathan C-W, Edinburgh. May 2019
'Very satisfied; this has opened up the whole subject of diagnosis'. Bruce McCallum
Thorough - and could almost be extended to three days. Jill Marks, Edinburgh 05/22
Over all satisfaction: on a scale of 1-10 = 1000 ! Judith Blair, Edinburgh 05/22
Fascinating, inspiring and well explained. Lovely mix of practical, explanations from handouts and additional texts. Fantastic two days. Janet Stevens, Edinburgh, May 2022
A clear and very helpful course that has both served as a review of known pulse knowledge as well as a very useful expansion into the 5-levels theory which will be incredibly useful in clinic as an aid for 5-element diagnosis. Marie-Ange Mignot, Dec 2022
Brilliant content. Can't wait to start using this method. Brings clarity and focus to pulses. Rachel Bird, Dec 2022
Superb! Such a clear and concise lecture with very visual learning and hands on which is imperative. Sarah Webb, Dec 2022
This course is suitable for everyone that wants to improve their pulse taking skills; with a hands-on practical approach. Kerry Byrne, Dec 2022
Awesome, understandable, assessible, structured and useful. I feel like the workshop was precisely what I need in to develop pulse taking and treatment planning. S.B. Feb.2024
Great presentation, love the way the method has evolved and come together since I last took this class (2019). Love the informal style, highly responsive to questions, and enjoyed the small group. Cintain Q. July 2024
Excellent content with a systematic approach which makes it easier to understand a complex subject. The step by step approach is very logical, a good balance between theory and practical. Well presented, very good diagrams. The practical aspect gave lots of opportunity for discussion and applying the theory we were taught. Very useful to repeat this course. Catriona Jennings, Edinburgh, July 2024.

"Essential Pulse Diagnosis", published 21st April 2022 by Singing Dragon.

“It is great to have the book finally published. I was inspired to share this information as the pulse descriptions in the Mai Jing are extremely clear and clinically very useful. Yet at the same time, they seem to be widely unknown. I tested these methods for a period of about 4 years in a variety of clinical settings. The pulse findings lead to new and useful understandings about the nature and function of the 5 elements and the 8 extraordinary vessels. As a result I needed to make this information better known, teaching a pulse skills course on the subject and then writing the book.”
Jamie Hamilton

Watch a 30-minute interview with Jason Robertson from 2023: here The topics discussed are:

Discovering the Mai Jing / What sparked Jamie's interest? / How long has he been teaching this method? / How does it fit with standard approaches to pulse diagnosis?


Do you have any questions about the method? Do ask using the form on the Booking page. Jamie Hamilton will reply to you and we may then include the question and reply in a "Q and A" section here.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Dr. Wang's therory related to Tung and Tan styles?

In a word: "no". All three of these teachers did ephasise the need for palpation of channels and used ideas that relate to the six channels (Taiyang, Shaoyin etc.) but Dr. Wang's approach contains a theory base very much in line with classical Chinese Medicine, whereas Dr. Tung (and Dr. Tan whose work was based on Dr. Tung) has a different lineage of thinking.

Can you teach a course where I am based?

Yes we can. With about a 6 person minimum we can come to you with a similar cost stucture to the courses quoted above.

What if I am a shiatsu practitioner?

You may well be able to join our courses. If you have a reasonable TCM knowledge you should be fine with any.

Enquiry Form

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